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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormal cardiomyocyte connexin43 staining 
Abnormal cardiomyocyte dystrophin staining 
Abnormal cardiomyocyte mitochondrial morphology +  
Abnormal cardiomyocyte plakoglobin staining 
Cardiomyocyte degeneration 
Deterioration of cardiomyocyte characterized by abnormal features such as loss of myofilaments, occurrence of cellular sequestration, decreased mitochondrial sizes and cellular debris.
Cardiomyocyte hypertrophy  
Cardiomyocyte inclusion bodies +  
Cardiomyocyte mitochondrial proliferation  
Myocardial sarcomeric disarray  
Perinuclear cardiomyocyte vacuolization  

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