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Ontology Browser

Abnormal ventricular myocardium morphology (HP:0031316)
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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormal morphology of myocardial trabeculae +   
Abnormal ventricular myocardium morphology 
A structural anomaly of the muscle layer of the heart wall of a cardiac ventricle.
Cardiac amyloidosis +   
Cardiac polyglucosan accumulation 
Cardiomyopathy +   
Elevated myocardial iron load 
Fatty replacement of ventricular myocardial tissue  
Focal necrosis of right ventricular muscle cells 
Increased myocardial glycogen content  
Increased myocardial pyrophosphate uptake 
Left ventricular rupture 
Myocardial fibrosis +   
Myocardial immune cell infiltration +  
Myocardial necrosis  
Myofiber disarray  

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