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Ontology Browser

EMG: incremental response of compound muscle action potential to repetitive nerve stimulation (HP:0030206)
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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
EMG: decremental response of compound muscle action potential to repetitive nerve stimulation  
EMG: incremental response of compound muscle action potential to repetitive nerve stimulation 
A compound muscle action potential (CMAP) is a type of electromyography (EMG). CMAP refers to a group of almost simultaneous action potentials from several muscle fibers in the same area evoked by stimulation of the supplying motor nerve and are recorded as one multipeaked summated action potential. This abnormality refers to an abnormal increase in the amplitude during the course of the investigation.

Xrefs: UMLS:C4022579
Definition Sources: HPO_CONTRIBUTOR:UK_rheller, PMID:23970984

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