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Ontology Browser

Punctate periventricular T2 hyperintense foci (HP:0030081)
Annotations: Rat: (0) Mouse: (0) Human: (4) Chinchilla: (0) Bonobo: (0) Dog: (0) Squirrel: (0) Pig: (0) Naked Mole-rat: (0) Green Monkey: (0)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Periventricular cysts +   
Periventricular leukomalacia  
Periventricular pseudocyst 
Periventricular white matter hyperintensities +   
Punctate periventricular T2 hyperintense foci  
Multiple pointlike areas of high T2 signal observed upon magnetic resonance imaging of the periventricular cerebral white matter.
Subtentorial periventricular white matter hyperdensity 

Xrefs: UMLS:C4022658

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