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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Edema +     
Absent lanugo  
Bone marrow edema 
Caseous vernix-like desquamation  
Cerebral edema  
Corneal stromal edema  
Desquamation of skin soon after birth  
Edema of the dorsum of hands  
Edema of the upper limbs 
Facial edema +   
Fetal skin edema  
A separation of skin in one or more regions of the body or even along the entire length of body wall (to a degree greater than gestational-age related norms) related to pathologically increased fluid accumulation in the subcutaneous tissue.
Generalized edema +   
Genital edema  
Hydrops fetalis +   
Hyperkeratosis over edematous areas  
Hypoproteinemic edema  
Increased nuchal translucency  
Intestinal edema +   
Joint swelling  
Laryngeal edema  
Lymphedema +   
Macular edema +   
Muscular edema  
Non-pitting edema 
Peau d'orange  
Pedal edema +   
Peripheral edema  
Pharyngeal edema  
Pleural effusion +   
Pulmonary edema  
Scalp edema 
Tongue edema  

Definition Sources: PMID:23696062

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