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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Skin nodule +     
Hyperpigmented nodule 
Indurated nodule 
Nodular changes affecting the eyelids +   
Osteoma cutis  
The term osteoma refers to the anomalous presence of ossification (bone formation) in the interior of the dermis or epidermis. The dermal or subcutaneous bone formation presents as stony hard nodules. The osteomata appear as irregular, hardened small nodules that are well circumscribed and generally of the same color as the skin.
Subcutaneous nodule +   
Umbilicated nodule 
Yellow nodule 

Exact Synonyms: Cutaneous osteosis ;   Miliary osteoma ;   Osteomatosis
Definition Sources:, PMID:21152797, PMID:26273166

paths to the root