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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormal bleeding +     
Abnormal delivery +     
Abnormal onset of bleeding +   
Abnormal umbilical stump bleeding  
Abnormal vaginal bleeding +   
Bleeding requiring red cell transfusion  
Bleeding with minor or no trauma  
Breech presentation +   
Caesarian section +   
Hemorrhage between the skull and periosteum of a newborn resulting from rupture of blood vessels that cross the periosteum.
Delivery by Odon device 
Epistaxis +   
Excessive bleeding after a venipuncture  
Excessive bleeding from superficial cuts  
Forceps delivery 
Gingival bleeding  
Induced vaginal delivery  
Internal hemorrhage +   
Nuchal cord  
Oral cavity bleeding  
Persistent bleeding after trauma  
Premature rupture of membranes +   
Prolonged bleeding following procedure +   
Prolonged bleeding time  
Shoulder dystocia 
Subcutaneous hemorrhage +   
Therapeutic abortion 
Vaginal birth after Caesarian 
Ventouse delivery  

Exact Synonyms: Cephalohaematoma
Xrefs: SNOMEDCT_US:206200000 ;   SNOMEDCT_US:83095000 ;   UMLS:C0007722
Definition Sources:

paths to the root