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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Facial telangiectasia +   
Fingerpad telangiectases  
Palmar telangiectasia  
Periungual teleangiectasia 
Plantar telangiectasia  
Spider hemangioma  
A form of telangiectasis characterized by a central elevated red dot the size of a pinhead, representing an arteriole, with numerous small blood vessels that radiate out thereby resembling the legs of a spider. Characteristically, compression of the central arteriole causes the entire lesion to blanch, and the lesion quickly refills once the compression is released.
Telangiectases producing 'marbled' skin 
Telangiectasia of extensor surfaces  
Telangiectasia of the ear 

Xrefs: UMLS:C4022867
Definition Sources:, PMID:22356347

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