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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormal central motor function +   
Abnormal central sensory function +   
An abnormality of sensation related to CNS function. Assuming the primary sensory modalities are intact and the patient is alert and cooperative, the presence of an abnormality of sensory function may indicate a lesion of a parietal cortex, the thalamocortical projections to the parietal cortex, or the spinal cord.
Abnormal cranial nerve physiology +   
Abnormal hypothalamus physiology +   
Abnormal nervous system electrophysiology +   
Abnormal spinal cord physiology +   
Abnormal synaptic transmission +   
Abnormality of intracranial pressure +   
Abnormality of mental function +   
Abnormality of movement +   
Abnormality of pineal physiology +   
Abnormality of taste sensation +   
Abnormality of the sense of smell +   
Autonomic-voluntary dissociation of facial movements 
Brain imaging abnormality +   
Bulbar palsy  
Bulbar signs  
Dysphagia +   
Easy fatigability  
Encephalopathy +   
Headache +   
Hypocalcemic tetany  
Lhermitte's sign 
Neurodevelopmental abnormality +   
Peripheral neuropathy +   
Perisylvian FDG hypermetabolism 
Pseudobulbar signs +   
Seizure +   
Somatic sensory dysfunction +   

Exact Synonyms: Abnormality of central sensory function
Xrefs: UMLS:C4023215
Definition Sources:

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