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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormal atrial arrangement +   
Abnormal coronary sinus morphology +   
An abnormality of the coronary sinus, which is formed by the union of the great cardiac vein and the left marginal vein and terminates in the right atrium. The coronary sinus functions to o collect deoxygenated blood from the myocardium of the heart and drain it into the right atrium.
Abnormal left atrium morphology +   
Abnormal right atrium morphology +   
Atrial septal defect +   
Atrial septal hypertrophy 
Common atrium  
Cor triatriatum +   

Exact Synonyms: Abnormality of the coronary sinus
Xrefs: Fyler:2840 ;   SNOMEDCT_US:253323000 ;   UMLS:C0344680
Definition Sources: HPO_CONTRIBUTOR:DDD_dbrown,

paths to the root