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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Gerbode ventricular septal defect 
A type of ventricular septal defect communicating directly between the left ventricle and right atrium. This is anatomically possible because the normal tricuspid valve is more apically displaced than the mitral valve.
Inlet ventricular septal defect  
Muscular ventricular septal defect +   
Non-restrictive ventricular septal defect 
Perimembranous ventricular septal defect  
Restrictive ventricular septal defect 
Subarterial ventricular septal defect  

Related Synonyms: Left ventricular - right atrial communication
Xrefs: SNOMEDCT_US:41893002 ;   UMLS:C0265812 ;   UMLS:C4023265
Definition Sources: HPO_CONTRIBUTOR:DDD_dbrown, PMID:19561249

paths to the root