Congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries +
The essence of the lesion is the combination of discordant atrioventricular and ventriculo-arterial connections. Thus, the morphologically right atrium is connected to a morphologically left ventricle across the mitral valve, with the left ventricle then connected to the pulmonary trunk. The morphologically left atrium is connected to the morphologically right ventricle across the tricuspid valve, with the morphologically right ventricle connected to the aorta.
Conotruncal defect +
Criss-cross atrioventricular valves +
Dilatation of the ductus arteriosus
L-looping of the right ventricle
Patent ductus arteriosus +
Situs inversus totalis
Situs inversus with levocardia
Superior-inferior ventricles without criss-cross atrioventricular valves