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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Apraxia +     
Gait disturbance +     
Antalgic gait  
Broad-based gait  
Cautious gait 
Cerebellar ataxia associated with quadrupedal gait  
Crouch gait  
Difficulty walking backward 
Dystonic gait +   
Eyelid apraxia  
Freezing of gait  
Gait apraxia  
Gait apraxia affecting the ability to make walking movements with the legs.
Gait ataxia +   
Gait imbalance  
Hand apraxia  
Impaired heel-walking ability 
Impaired tandem gait  
Impaired toe-walking ability 
Inability to walk +   
Limb apraxia  
Neurogenic claudication 
Oculomotor apraxia  
Oromotor apraxia  
Shuffling gait +   
Spastic gait +   
Speech apraxia  
Steppage gait  
Tip-toe gait  
Unsteady gait +   
Waddling gait  

Xrefs: SNOMEDCT_US:30767006 ;   UMLS:C1510417
Definition Sources:

paths to the root