Abnormality of the epiphyses of the distal phalanx of finger +
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the distal phalanges of the hand +
Broad distal phalanx of finger +
Bullet-shaped distal phalanges of the hand +
Chess-pawn distal phalanges
Complete duplication of phalanx of hand +
Curved distal phalanges of the hand +
Distal symphalangism of hands +
Drumstick terminal phalanges
Duplication of phalanx of 5th finger +
Duplication of the distal phalanx of hand +
This term applies if one or more of the distal phalanges of the hand are either partially duplicated, depending on severity leading to a broad or bifid appearance of the phalanges, or completely duplicated.
Duplication of the middle phalanx of hand +
Duplication of the proximal phalanx of hand +
Duplication of thumb phalanx +
Fractured distal phalanx of manus +
Hand polydactyly +
Long distal phalanx of finger
Osteolytic defects of the distal phalanges of the hand +
Bifid terminal phalanges
Duplication of the outermost bone of hand
Notched outermost bone of hand
Partial/complete duplication of the distal phalanges of the hand