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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Carpal synostosis +   
Distal symphalangism +   
Finger symphalangism +   
An abnormal union between bones or parts of bones of the fingers. The synonymous term 'symphalangism of the hand' may be translated as fusions of bones of varying digree, that involve at least one phalangeal bone of the hand. If bony fusions are referred to as 'Symphalangism' the fusion occurs in a proximo-distal axis. Fusions of bones of the fingers in a radio-ulnar axis are referred to as 'bony' Syndactyly.
Metacarpal synostosis +   
Proximal symphalangism +   
Synostosis involving bones of the toes +   

Exact Synonyms: Fused finger bones ;   Symphalangism of the hand ;   Synostosis involving bones of the fingers
Xrefs: UMLS:C4021399
Definition Sources:

paths to the root