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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormal finger phalanx ossification 
Abnormal metacarpal ossification 
Abnormality of carpal bone ossification +   
Abnormality of the epiphysis of the 1st metacarpal +   
Absent metacarpal epiphyses +  
Advanced ossification of the hand bones 
Bracket metacarpal epiphyses +  
Broad metacarpal epiphyses 
Calcaneal epiphyseal stippling  
Cone-shaped metacarpal epiphyses +   
Deficient ossification of hand bones 
Delayed ossification of the hand bones 
Distal ulnar epiphyseal stippling 
Dysharmonic maturation of the hand bones 
Enlarged metacarpal epiphyses +  
Epiphyseal stippling of finger phalanges +   
Epiphyseal stippling of the humerus  
Epiphyseal stippling of the metacarpals +  
The presence of abnormal punctate (speckled, dot-like) calcifications in the epiphyses of the metacarpals.
Epiphyseal stippling of toe phalanges +   
Fragmentation of the metacarpal epiphyses +   
Irregular epiphyses of the metacarpals +   
Irregular ossification of hand bones +   
Ivory epiphyses of the metacarpals +  
Metacarpal pseudoepiphysis +   
Neonatal epiphyseal stippling  
Popcorn calcification  
Small epiphyses of the metacarpals +  
Triangular epiphyses of the metacarpals +  

Exact Synonyms: Speckled calcifications in end part of the long bone of hand ;   Stippling of the epiphyses of the metacarpals
Xrefs: UMLS:C4021514
Definition Sources:

paths to the root