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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormal platelet aggregation +   
Abnormal platelet granule secretion +  
Abnormal platelet membrane protein expression +   
Abnormal platelet phosphatidylserine exposure +  
Impaired clot retraction  
Impaired platelet adhesion 
An abnormality of adhesion of thrombocytes. Normally, platelets adhere to collagen in the vascular subendothelium within seconds of injury via a receptor made up of glycoprotein Ia and IIa and GPVI and to vWF via receptor GPIb/IX/V. The adherent platelets then release granules that lead to platelet activation and aggregation.

Exact Synonyms: Impaired thrombocytes adhesion
Xrefs: UMLS:C4024694
Definition Sources:

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