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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Dysarthria +     
Dysphagia +     
Dysphonia +     
Paralysis +     
Pseudobulbar signs +     
Diaphragmatic paralysis  
Facial paralysis  
Impaired oral bolus formation  
Impaired oropharyngeal swallow response  
Laryngeal dystonia  
Nasal dysarthria  
Neuromuscular dysphagia  
Oral-pharyngeal dysphagia  
Periodic paralysis +   
Pseudobulbar affect  
Pseudobulbar paralysis  
Bilateral impairment of the function of the cranial nerves 9-12, which control musculature involved in eating, swallowing, and speech. Pseudobulbar paralysis is characterized clinically by dysarthria, dysphonia, and dysphagia with bifacial paralysis, and may be accompanied by Pseudobulbar behavioral symptoms such as enforced crying and laughing.
Respiratory paralysis  
Spastic dysarthria  
Vocal cord paralysis +   

Exact Synonyms: Pseudobulbar palsy ;   Pseudobulbar syndrome
Alternate IDs: HP:0002201 ;   HP:0006819
Xrefs: SNOMEDCT_US:7379000 ;   UMLS:C0033790
Definition Sources:

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