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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormal mandibular symphysis morphology 
Abnormal sacroiliac joint morphology +   
Abnormal synovial membrane morphology +   
Any structural anomaly of the synovium, which is a membrane that lines the cavity of synovial joints and consists of a lining layer of macrophage-like synoviocytes and fibroblast-like synoviocytes, as well as a sublining of connective tissue. Synovial cells are thought to contribute to joint homeostasis by secreting various factors such as hyaluronic acid and lubricin important for joint lubrication and function, as well as disposing of the waste products.
Abnormality of lower limb joint +   
Abnormality of upper limb joint +   
Arthritis +   
Arthropathy +   
Chondrocalcinosis +   
Enlarged joints +   
Joint dislocation +   
Joint hemorrhage  
Joint subluxation +   
Joint swelling  
Loose body in joint 
Osteochondrosis +   
Periarticular soft-tissue mass  
Progressive joint destruction  
Pterygium +   
Purulent synovial fluid 
Synostosis of joints +   
Synovial fluid crystals 

Xrefs: UMLS:C4025225
Definition Sources: PMID:27412524

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