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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Foam cells +     
Abnormal macrophage count 
Bone-marrow foam cells  
The presence of foam cells in the bone marrow, generally demonstrated by bone-marrow aspiration or biopsy. Foam cells have a vacuolated appearance due to the presence of complex lipid deposits, giving them a foamy or soap-suds appearance.
CNS foam cells  
Foam cells with lamellar inclusion bodies  
Granulomatosis +   
Hemophagocytosis +   
Hepatic foam cells  
Histiocytosis +   
Michaelis-Gutmann bodies 
Renal glomerular foam cells 
Renal interstitial foam cells  
Sea-blue histiocytosis  

Exact Synonyms: Large vacuolated foam cells ('NP cells') on bone marrow biopsy ;   Large vacuolated foam cells on bone marrow biopsy
Alternate IDs: HP:0001979
Xrefs: UMLS:C1856560
Definition Sources:

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