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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormal finger phalanx ossification 
Abnormal metacarpal ossification 
Abnormality of carpal bone ossification +   
Advanced ossification of the hand bones 
Deficient ossification of hand bones 
Delayed ossification of the hand bones 
Dysharmonic accelerated bone age 
Dysharmonic delayed bone age  
Dysharmonic maturation of the hand bones 
Pattern of hand-wrist development does not fit the normal sequence of ossification of the individual bones of the hand.
Epiphyseal stippling of finger phalanges +   
Epiphyseal stippling of the metacarpals +  
Irregular ossification of hand bones +   

Exact Synonyms: Disharmonic maturation of the hand bones ;   Dysharmonic ossification of the hand bones
Alternate IDs: HP:0006204
Xrefs: UMLS:C4021685
Definition Sources:

paths to the root