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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormality of central motor conduction +   
Abnormality of coordination +   
Abnormality of extrapyramidal motor function +   
Alien limb phenomenon  
Apraxia +   
Athetosis +   
Cerebral palsy +   
Chorea +   
Clonus +   
crossed brainstem sign 
Involuntary movements +   
Involuntary vocalization +   
Myoclonus +   
Paralysis +   
Paralysis of voluntary muscles means loss of contraction due to interruption of one or more motor pathways from the brain to the muscle fibers. Although the word paralysis is often used interchangeably to mean either complete or partial loss of muscle strength, it is preferable to use paralysis or plegia for complete or severe loss of muscle strength, and paresis for partial or slight loss. Motor paralysis results from deficits of the upper motor neurons (corticospinal, corticobulbar, or subcorticospinal). Motor paralysis is often accompanied by an impairment in the facility of movement.
Paroxysmal dyskinesia  
Torticollis +   
Tremor +   
Upper motor neuron dysfunction +   

Exact Synonyms: Inability to move
Xrefs: SNOMEDCT_US:44695005 ;   UMLS:C0522224
Definition Sources:

paths to the root