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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Ankle dislocation  
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the patella +   
Bipartite patella 
Delayed patellar ossification  
Dislocation of toes  
Double-layered patella  
Dysplastic patella  
Fractured patella 
Hip dislocation +   
Irregular patellae 
Knee dislocation +   
Lateral displacement of patellae  
Osteolysis of patellae 
Patella alta 
Patellar dislocation +   
The kneecap normally is located within the groove termed trochlea on the distal femur and can slide up and down in it. Patellar dislocation occurs if the patella fully dislocates out of the groove.
Patellar overgrowth  
Patellar subluxation  

Exact Synonyms: Dislocated kneecap ;   Dislocated patellae ;   Dislocation of patella
Xrefs: SNOMEDCT_US:263029007 ;   UMLS:C1135812
Definition Sources:

paths to the root