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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Atypical behavior +     
Pseudobulbar signs +     
Abnormal demeanor +   
Abnormal interest 
Abnormal play +   
Abnormal relationship +   
Abnormal sexual behavior +   
Abnormal social behavior +   
Diagnostic behavioral phenotype +   
Excessive shyness  
Impaired executive functioning +   
Impairment in personality functioning +   
Non-epileptic seizure +   
Pseudobulbar affect  
Pseudobulbar affect (PBA) is characterized by uncontrolled crying or laughing which may be disproportionate or inappropriate to the social context. Thus, there is a disparity between the patient's emotional expression and his or her emotional experience.
Pseudobulbar paralysis  
Recurrent maladaptive behavior +   
Reduced impulse control 
Sensory behavioral abnormality +   

Exact Synonyms: Pseudobulbar behavioral symptoms ;   Pseudobulbar behavioural symptoms
Xrefs: UMLS:C4025720
Definition Sources:, PMID:24348042

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