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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Osteomyelitis +     
Abnormal foot bone ossification +   
Abnormal metatarsal morphology +   
Abnormal toe morphology +   
Abnormality of dorsoventral patterning of the limbs 
Abnormality of the Achilles tendon +   
Abnormality of the plantar skin of foot +   
Abnormality of the tarsal bones +   
Ankylosis of feet small joints  
Aplasia/Hypoplasia involving bones of the feet +   
Autoamputation of foot  
Broad foot  
Duplication involving bones of the feet +   
Equinovarus deformity  
Foot asymmetry 
Foot joint contracture +   
Foot osteomyelitis  
An infection of bone of the foot.
Long foot  
Mandibular osteomyelitis  
Medial deviation of the foot  
Medial rotation of the medial malleolus  
Narrow foot  
Osteolysis involving bones of the feet +   
Osteomyelitis leading to amputation due to slow healing fractures  
Pes cavus  
Pes planus +   
Pes valgus  
Positional foot deformity +   
Prominent subcalcaneal fat pad  
Salmonella osteomyelitis  
Split foot  
Structural foot deformity  
Synostosis involving bones of the feet +   

Exact Synonyms: Foot bone infection
Xrefs: UMLS:C4025737

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