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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormal morphology of myocardial trabeculae +   
Abnormal ventricular myocardium morphology 
Cardiac amyloidosis +   
Cardiac polyglucosan accumulation 
Cardiomyopathy +   
Elevated myocardial iron load 
Fatty replacement of ventricular myocardial tissue  
Focal necrosis of right ventricular muscle cells 
Increased myocardial glycogen content  
Increased myocardial pyrophosphate uptake 
Left ventricular rupture 
Myocardial fibrosis +   
Myocardial fibrosis is characterized by dysregulated collagen turnover (increased synthesis predominates over unchanged or decreased degradation) and excessive diffuse collagen accumulation in the interstitial and perivascular spaces as well as by phenotypically transformed fibroblasts, termed myofibroblasts.
Myocardial immune cell infiltration +  
Myocardial necrosis  
Myofiber disarray  

Xrefs: UMLS:C0151654
Definition Sources: PMID:28157267

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