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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Xanthomatosis +     
Atheroeruptive xanthoma  
Eruptive xanthomas  
Eruptive xanthomas are yellow-orange-to-red-brown papules that are often surrounded by an erythematous halo. They appear in crops on the buttocks, extensor surfaces of the extremities, and flexural creases. Acutely, variable amounts of pruritus and pain occur.
Tendon xanthomatosis  
Tuberous xanthoma  
Verruciform xanthoma 
Xanthomas of the palmar creases  

Xrefs: SNOMEDCT_US:238952003 ;   UMLS:C0221252
Definition Sources: PMID:12165227, PMID:22375975

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