negative regulation of aggregation involved in sorocarp development
negative regulation of animal organ morphogenesis +
negative regulation of anterior head development
negative regulation of anterior neural cell fate commitment of the neural plate by fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway
negative regulation of apical ectodermal ridge formation
negative regulation of apoptotic process involved in development +
negative regulation of appressorium formation
negative regulation of basement membrane assembly involved in embryonic body morphogenesis
negative regulation of biomineral tissue development +
negative regulation of blood microparticle formation +
negative regulation of blood vessel remodeling +
negative regulation of bone development
negative regulation of bone trabecula formation
negative regulation of branching morphogenesis of a nerve
negative regulation of cardiac chamber formation +
negative regulation of cardiac chamber morphogenesis
negative regulation of cardiac ventricle development +
negative regulation of cartilage development +
negative regulation of cell differentiation +
negative regulation of chitin-based cuticle tanning +
negative regulation of conidiophore stalk development
negative regulation of cuticle pigmentation +
negative regulation of dendrite development
negative regulation of dendritic spine development +
negative regulation of developmental growth +
negative regulation of eclosion
negative regulation of ectoderm development
negative regulation of embryonic camera-type eye development
negative regulation of embryonic development +
negative regulation of embryonic skeletal joint development
negative regulation of endosperm development
negative regulation of entry into reproductive diapause
negative regulation of epidermis development +
negative regulation of epithelial cell proliferation involved in prostate gland development
negative regulation of female pigmentation
negative regulation of fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway involved in neural plate anterior/posterior pattern formation
Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway involved in neural plate anterior/posterior pattern formation.
negative regulation of fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway involved in ureteric bud formation
negative regulation of floral organ abscission
negative regulation of formation of symbiont germ tube hook structure for appressorium development
negative regulation of germ tube formation
negative regulation of germinal center formation
negative regulation of gonad development +
negative regulation of hair follicle development +
negative regulation of haustorium mother cell formation
negative regulation of heart induction
negative regulation of hyphopodium formation
negative regulation of imaginal disc-derived leg joint morphogenesis
negative regulation of infection cushion formation
negative regulation of isotype switching +
negative regulation of kidney development +
negative regulation of lactation
negative regulation of lamellipodium morphogenesis
negative regulation of leaf development
negative regulation of leaf senescence
negative regulation of lung alveolus development
negative regulation of lymphangiogenesis
negative regulation of male pigmentation
negative regulation of mammary stem cell proliferation
negative regulation of mating type switching
negative regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in lung development
negative regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in ureter development
negative regulation of mesoderm development +
negative regulation of metanephric comma-shaped body morphogenesis
negative regulation of metanephric S-shaped body morphogenesis
negative regulation of metanephric ureteric bud development
negative regulation of mitochondrial fission
negative regulation of mitochondrial fusion
negative regulation of morphogenesis of an epithelium +
negative regulation of muscle organ development +
negative regulation of muscle tissue development +
negative regulation of nematode male tail tip morphogenesis
negative regulation of nervous system development +
negative regulation of neuron projection arborization
negative regulation of neuron projection regeneration +
negative regulation of optic nerve formation
negative regulation of ovarian follicle development
negative regulation of placenta blood vessel development
negative regulation of plant organ morphogenesis
negative regulation of post-embryonic development +
negative regulation of pre-B cell receptor expression
negative regulation of pronephric nephron tubule development
negative regulation of retina development in camera-type eye +
negative regulation of retinal cell programmed cell death +
negative regulation of salivary gland boundary specification +
negative regulation of sclerotium development
negative regulation of seed dormancy process
negative regulation of seed maturation
negative regulation of shoot apical meristem development
negative regulation of somatic muscle development +
negative regulation of spore germination +
negative regulation of spore-bearing organ development +
negative regulation of sporulation +
negative regulation of stem cell population maintenance +
negative regulation of synapse maturation
negative regulation of synaptic vesicle lumen acidification
negative regulation of syncytium formation by plasma membrane fusion +
negative regulation of thyroid gland epithelial cell proliferation
negative regulation of tolerance induction +
negative regulation of tube lumen cavitation
negative regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle cell dedifferentiation
negative regulation of vasculature development +
negative regulation of Wnt signaling pathway involved in heart development
positive regulation of fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway involved in neural plate anterior/posterior pattern formation
regulation of fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway involved in neural plate anterior/posterior pattern formation +
Exact Synonyms:
negative regulation of fibroblast growth factor receptor signalling pathway involved in neural plate anterior/posterior pattern formation