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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
acrosomal vesicle exocytosis +   
calcium ion regulated lysosome exocytosis  
The process of secretion by a cell that results in the release of intracellular molecules contained within a lysosome by fusion of the vesicle with the plasma membrane of a cell, induced by a rise in cytosolic calcium-ion levels.
calcium ion-regulated exocytosis of neurotransmitter +   
cortical granule exocytosis +   
dense core granule exocytosis +   
negative regulation of calcium ion-dependent exocytosis +   
positive regulation of calcium ion-dependent exocytosis +   
regulation of calcium ion-dependent exocytosis +   
zymogen granule exocytosis  

Definition Sources: PMID:10725327, PMID:11511344

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