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Ontology Browser

positive regulation of protein localization to membrane (GO:1905477)
Annotations: Rat: (126) Mouse: (128) Human: (131) Chinchilla: (120) Bonobo: (125) Dog: (126) Squirrel: (121) Pig: (123) Naked Mole-rat: (122) Green Monkey: (126)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
establishment of protein localization to membrane +   
guanylate kinase-associated protein clustering  
lipoprotein localization to membrane +   
maintenance of protein location in membrane +   
negative regulation of protein localization to membrane +   
positive regulation of asymmetric protein localization involved in cell fate determination 
positive regulation of establishment of protein localization +   
positive regulation of protein localization to cell division site involved in mitotic actomyosin contractile ring assembly 
positive regulation of protein localization to cell leading edge  
positive regulation of protein localization to cell periphery +   
positive regulation of protein localization to cell surface  
positive regulation of protein localization to cell tip 
positive regulation of protein localization to cell-cell junction +   
positive regulation of protein localization to centrosome  
positive regulation of protein localization to chromatin  
positive regulation of protein localization to chromosome, telomeric region +   
positive regulation of protein localization to cilium +   
positive regulation of protein localization to endoplasmic reticulum  
positive regulation of protein localization to endosome +   
positive regulation of protein localization to kinetochore +   
positive regulation of protein localization to lysosome  
positive regulation of protein localization to membrane +   
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of protein localization to membrane.
positive regulation of protein localization to nucleus +   
positive regulation of protein localization to phagocytic vesicle  
positive regulation of protein localization to spindle pole body +   
positive regulation of protein localization to synapse +   
postsynaptic density protein 95 clustering +   
protein localization to basolateral plasma membrane +   
protein localization to ciliary membrane +   
protein localization to cleavage furrow +   
protein localization to Golgi membrane  
protein localization to membrane raft +   
protein localization to microvillus membrane 
protein localization to nuclear inner membrane  
protein localization to outer membrane 
protein localization to plasma membrane +   
protein localization to plasma membrane of cell tip 
protein localization to postsynaptic membrane +   
protein localization to presynaptic membrane 
protein localization to prospore membrane +  
protein localization to vacuolar membrane +   
receptor clustering +   
regulation of exocytic insertion of neurotransmitter receptor to postsynaptic membrane  
regulation of neurotransmitter receptor localization to postsynaptic specialization membrane  
regulation of postsynaptic density protein 95 clustering  
regulation of protein insertion into mitochondrial outer membrane +   
regulation of protein localization to basolateral plasma membrane +   
regulation of protein localization to ciliary membrane +   
regulation of protein localization to membrane +   
regulation of protein localization to plasma membrane +   
regulation of protein targeting to membrane +   
regulation of receptor clustering +   
regulation of t-SNARE clustering +   
t-SNARE clustering +   

Exact Synonyms: positive regulation of protein localisation in membrane ;   positive regulation of protein localization in membrane ;   up regulation of protein localisation in membrane ;   up regulation of protein localization in membrane ;   up regulation of protein localization to membrane ;   upregulation of protein localisation in membrane ;   upregulation of protein localization in membrane ;   upregulation of protein localization to membrane
Narrow Synonyms: activation of protein localisation in membrane ;   activation of protein localization in membrane ;   activation of protein localization to membrane
Definition Sources: GO_REF:0000058, GOC:bc, GOC:PARL, GOC:TermGenie, PMID:26911690

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