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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
ciliary receptor clustering involved in smoothened signaling pathway 
negative regulation of protein localization to membrane +   
negative regulation of receptor clustering +   
neurexin clustering involved in presynaptic membrane assembly  
neuroligin clustering involved in postsynaptic membrane assembly  
neurotransmitter-gated ion channel clustering +   
positive regulation of protein localization to membrane +   
positive regulation of receptor clustering +   
regulation of exocytic insertion of neurotransmitter receptor to postsynaptic membrane  
regulation of neurotransmitter receptor localization to postsynaptic specialization membrane  
regulation of postsynaptic density protein 95 clustering  
regulation of protein insertion into mitochondrial outer membrane +   
regulation of protein localization to basolateral plasma membrane +   
regulation of protein localization to ciliary membrane +   
regulation of protein localization to plasma membrane +   
regulation of protein targeting to membrane +   
regulation of receptor clustering +   
Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of receptor clustering.
regulation of t-SNARE clustering +   
skeletal muscle acetylcholine-gated channel clustering +   

Definition Sources: GO_REF:0000058, GOC:als, GOC:TermGenie, PMID:23575248

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