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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
cell chemotaxis +   
cellular response to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzodioxine  
cellular response to 3,3',4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl 
cellular response to acid chemical +   
cellular response to alkane +  
cellular response to antibiotic +   
cellular response to Aroclor 1254 
cellular response to arsenic-containing substance +   
cellular response to biphenyl 
cellular response to bismuth 
cellular response to boron-containing substance levels +  
cellular response to chemical stress +   
cellular response to cisplatin  
cellular response to cyanide  
cellular response to cycloalkane 
cellular response to dimethyl sulfoxide  
cellular response to epinephrine stimulus  
cellular response to fluoride +   
cellular response to fluoxetine 
cellular response to food  
cellular response to Gentian violet 
cellular response to gold(3+)  
cellular response to hormone stimulus +   
cellular response to hydrogen sulfide  
cellular response to lipid +   
cellular response to metal ion +   
cellular response to N-phenylthiourea 
cellular response to nicotine  
cellular response to nitrogen compound +   
cellular response to nonylphenol  
cellular response to nutrient +   
cellular response to oxygen levels +   
cellular response to oxygen-containing compound +   
cellular response to paraquat 
cellular response to peptide  
cellular response to phenylpropanoid +   
cellular response to pheromone +   
cellular response to polycyclic arene +   
cellular response to salt +   
Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a salt stimulus.
cellular response to Thyroglobulin triiodothyronine  
cellular response to topoisomerase inhibitor 
cellular response to toxic substance +   
cellular response to xenobiotic stimulus +   
chemoattraction of axon +   
chemorepulsion of axon +   
detection of hypoxic conditions in blood by chemoreceptor signaling +   
response to sodium arsenite +   
response to sodium phosphate +   

Narrow Synonyms: cellular response to salinity
Definition Sources: GOC:mls, GOC:TermGenie, PMID:16666921

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