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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
(17Z)-protosta-17(20),24-dien-3beta-ol catabolic process 
3-(3-hydroxy)phenylpropionate catabolic process 
abscisic acid catabolic process 
acetoin catabolic process 
calcitriol biosynthetic process from calciol  
cholesterol catabolic process  
cis-abienol catabolic process 
cyclopentanol catabolic process 
ecdysone catabolic process 
fatty alcohol catabolic process +  
fonsecin catabolic process 
monensin A catabolic process 
negative regulation of cellular alcohol catabolic process 
neosartoricin catabolic process 
octopamine catabolic process 
polyol catabolic process +   
polyprenol catabolic process +   
positive regulation of cellular alcohol catabolic process +  
prenol catabolic process 
primary alcohol catabolic process +   
regulation of cellular alcohol catabolic process +  
rhodopsin catabolic process 
tetracenomycin C catabolic process 
vitamin D3 biosynthetic process 
vitamin D3 catabolic process 
The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of vitamin D3.

Exact Synonyms: calciol breakdown ;   calciol catabolic process ;   calciol catabolism ;   calciol degradation ;   cholecalciferol catabolic process ;   cholecalciferol catabolism ;   vitamin D3 breakdown ;   vitamin D3 catabolism ;   vitamin D3 degradation
Definition Sources: GOC:TermGenie, GOC:yaf

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