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Ontology Browser

positive regulation of plasma membrane bounded cell projection assembly (GO:0120034)
Annotations: Rat: (122) Mouse: (125) Human: (123) Chinchilla: (110) Bonobo: (118) Dog: (124) Squirrel: (116) Pig: (119) Naked Mole-rat: (120) Green Monkey: (124)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
bleb assembly +   
cilium assembly +   
cytoneme assembly 
dendritic cell dendrite assembly +   
extension of leading cell process to pial surface 
filopodium assembly +   
lamellipodium assembly +   
mating projection formation +  
microspike assembly  
microvillus assembly +   
negative regulation of plasma membrane bounded cell projection assembly +   
positive regulation of actin filament bundle assembly +   
positive regulation of ascospore-type prospore membrane formation 
positive regulation of axonogenesis +   
positive regulation of bacterial-type flagellum assembly 
positive regulation of cell junction assembly +   
positive regulation of cell septum assembly +  
positive regulation of dendrite morphogenesis +   
positive regulation of dendritic spine maintenance  
positive regulation of dense core granule biogenesis  
positive regulation of exosomal secretion  
positive regulation of extracellular matrix assembly +   
positive regulation of heterochromatin formation +   
positive regulation of hyaluranon cable assembly  
positive regulation of inclusion body assembly +   
positive regulation of lamellipodium organization +   
positive regulation of microvillus length 
positive regulation of neuron projection arborization  
positive regulation of neuron projection development +   
positive regulation of organelle assembly +   
positive regulation of plant-type cell wall cellulose biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of plasma membrane bounded cell projection assembly +   
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of plasma membrane bounded cell projection assembly.
positive regulation of primary cell septum biogenesis 
positive regulation of protein-containing complex assembly +   
positive regulation of ribosome biogenesis  
positive regulation of secondary cell wall biogenesis 
positive regulation of synaptonemal complex assembly 
positive regulation of t-circle formation  
positive regulation of type IV pilus biogenesis 
pseudopodium assembly +   
regulation of bleb assembly +   
regulation of cilium assembly +   
regulation of dendritic cell dendrite assembly +   
regulation of filopodium assembly +   
regulation of lamellipodium assembly +   
regulation of mating projection assembly +  
regulation of microvillus assembly +   
regulation of plasma membrane bounded cell projection assembly +   
regulation of pseudopodium assembly +   
regulation of ruffle assembly +   
ruffle assembly +   
substrate-dependent cell migration, cell extension  
uropod assembly 

Definition Sources: GOC:krc

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