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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
secretory vesicle +     
transport vesicle +     
clathrin-sculpted acetylcholine transport vesicle +   
clathrin-sculpted glutamate transport vesicle +   
clathrin-sculpted monoamine transport vesicle +   
COPI-coated Golgi to ER transport vesicle +   
COPI-coated inter-Golgi transport vesicle +  
exocytic vesicle +   
A transport vesicle that mediates transport from an intracellular compartment to the plasma membrane, and fuses with the plasma membrane to release various cargo molecules, such as proteins or hormones, by exocytosis.
piccolo-bassoon transport vesicle  
secretory granule +   
trans-Golgi network transport vesicle +   
transport vesicle lumen +  
transport vesicle membrane +   

Exact Synonyms: exocytic constitutive secretory pathway transport vesicle ;   exocytotic vesicle
Definition Sources: GOC:kad, GOC:mah

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