ascospore-type prospore-specific spindle pole body remodeling
attachment of meiotic spindle microtubules to kinetochore +
chiasma assembly
chromosome organization involved in meiotic cell cycle +
DNA strand elongation involved in premeiotic DNA replication
double-strand break repair involved in meiotic recombination
dynein-driven meiotic oscillatory nuclear movement +
establishment of meiotic spindle localization +
horsetail-astral microtubule organization +
initial meiotic spindle pole body separation
lateral element assembly
LinE complex assembly
linear element assembly +
meiosis I cell cycle process +
A process that contributes to the first meiotic division. The first meiotic division is the reductive division resulting in the separation of homologous chromosome pairs.
meiosis II cell cycle process +
meiotic attachment of telomere to nuclear envelope
meiotic attachment of telomeric heterochromatin to spindle pole body
meiotic cell cycle checkpoint signaling +
meiotic cell cycle phase transition +
meiotic cell cycle process involved in oocyte maturation +
meiotic centromeric cohesion protection in anaphase I
meiotic chromosome movement towards spindle pole +
meiotic chromosome segregation +
meiotic chromosome separation +
meiotic cytokinesis +
meiotic DNA double-strand break processing +
meiotic DNA replication initiation +
meiotic joint molecule formation +
meiotic metaphase chromosome alignment +
meiotic nuclear division +
meiotic nuclear membrane disassembly +
meiotic nuclear membrane reassembly +
meiotic sister chromatid arm separation +
meiotic sister chromatid centromere separation
meiotic spindle elongation +
meiotic spindle midzone assembly
meiotic spindle organization +
meiotic spindle pole body organization +
microtubule bundle formation involved in horsetail-astral microtubule organization
plant-type sporogenesis +
pre-replicative complex assembly involved in premeiotic DNA replication
premeiotic DNA replication +
premeiotic DNA replication preinitiation complex assembly
premeiotic DNA replication termination
protein localization to meiotic spindle pole body +
reciprocal meiotic recombination +
regulation of spindle attachment to meiosis I kinetochore +
response to meiotic recombination checkpoint signaling