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Ontology Browser

stomach neuroendocrine cell differentiation (GO:0061102)
Annotations: Rat: (2) Mouse: (2) Human: (2) Chinchilla: (2) Bonobo: (2) Dog: (2) Squirrel: (2) Pig: (2) Naked Mole-rat: (2) Green Monkey: (2)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
adrenal chromaffin cell differentiation  
carotid body glomus cell differentiation  
determination of stomach left/right asymmetry  
lung neuroendocrine cell differentiation  
neuroendocrine cell differentiation involved in prostate gland acinus development 
pancreatic A cell differentiation +   
pancreatic D cell differentiation +   
pancreatic epsilon cell differentiation +   
pancreatic PP cell differentiation +   
stomach neuroendocrine cell differentiation +   
The process in which a relatively unspecialized cell acquires specialized features of a neuroendocrine cell of the stomach epithelium.
thyroid-stimulating hormone-secreting cell differentiation +   
type B pancreatic cell differentiation +   

Related Synonyms: gastric neuroendocrine cell differentiation
Definition Sources: GOC:dph, PMID:18173746

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