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Ontology Browser

cell fate specification involved in pattern specification (GO:0060573)
Annotations: Rat: (8) Mouse: (8) Human: (8) Chinchilla: (7) Bonobo: (8) Dog: (8) Squirrel: (7) Pig: (8) Naked Mole-rat: (8) Green Monkey: (9)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abaxial cell fate specification 
anther wall tapetum cell fate specification 
bundle sheath cell fate specification 
cardiac cell fate specification +   
cell fate determination involved in pattern specification +   
cell fate specification involved in pattern specification +   
The process involved in the specification of the identity of a cell in a field of cells that is being instructed as to how to differentiate. Once specification has taken place, that cell will be committed to differentiate down a specific pathway if left in its normal environment.
compound eye cone cell fate specification +  
dorsal vessel aortic cell fate commitment 
dorsal vessel heart proper cell fate commitment 
ectodermal cell fate specification +   
endodermal cell fate specification +   
endothelial cell fate specification +   
eosinophil fate specification 
epidermal cell fate specification +   
epithelial cell type specification, open tracheal system +  
eye field cell fate commitment involved in camera-type eye formation 
glial cell fate specification +   
mesodermal cell fate specification +   
muscle cell fate specification +   
myoblast fate specification +   
negative regulation of cell fate specification +   
neuroblast fate specification 
neuron fate specification +   
plant endodermal cell fate specification 
plant epidermal cell fate specification +  
positive regulation of cell fate specification +   
regulation of cell fate specification +   
skeletal muscle satellite cell fate specification 
stem cell fate specification +   
ventral spinal cord interneuron fate commitment +   
vulval cell fate specification 

Definition Sources: GOC:dph, GOC:tb

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