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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
cloaca development +     
tube morphogenesis +     
blood vessel morphogenesis +   
branching morphogenesis of an epithelial tube +   
bronchiole morphogenesis  
bronchus morphogenesis +   
cloacal septation  
The separation of the single opening of the digestive, urinary, and reproductive tracts, the cloaca, into multiple isolated openings during development.
digestive tract morphogenesis +   
epithelial tube morphogenesis +   
oviduct morphogenesis 
semicircular canal morphogenesis +   
tracheal outgrowth, open tracheal system 
tube formation +   
tube fusion +  
ureter morphogenesis +   

Exact Synonyms: cloaca septation
Definition Sources: GOC:dph, GOC:st

paths to the root