cell morphogenesis involved in neuron differentiation +
central nervous system neuron development +
glandular epithelial cell maturation +
inner ear receptor cell development +
neuromast hair cell development +
neuron development involved in amphid sensory organ development +
neuron maturation +
neuron projection development +
neuron recognition +
noradrenergic neuron development
olfactory bulb tufted cell development
pancreatic A cell development
pancreatic D cell development
pancreatic E cell development
pancreatic PP cell development
peripheral nervous system neuron development +
photoreceptor cell development +
thyroid-stimulating hormone-secreting cell development
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of a thyroid-stimulating hormone-secreting cell over time, from its formation to the mature structure. A thyroid-stimulating hormone-secreting cell is a basophil cell of the anterior pituitary that produces thyroid stimulating hormone, thyrotrophin.
type B pancreatic cell development +
Exact Synonyms:
TSH-secreting cell development
beta-basophil development
thyrotrope development
thyrotroph development