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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
astral microtubule organization +   
chloroplast disassembly 
cilium disassembly +   
endoplasmic reticulum disassembly 
Golgi disassembly  
kinetochore disassembly 
lipid droplet disassembly  
meiotic spindle organization +   
microtubule anchoring at spindle pole body +  
mitotic spindle organization +   
nucleus disassembly 
P granule disassembly 
proteasome storage granule disassembly 
regulation of spindle organization +   
ribosome disassembly +   
septin ring disassembly 
spindle assembly +   
spindle disassembly +   
The controlled breakdown of the spindle, the array of microtubules and associated molecules that serves to move duplicated chromosomes apart.
spindle elongation +   
stress granule disassembly  

Exact Synonyms: spindle breakdown ;   spindle catabolism ;   spindle degradation
Definition Sources: GOC:ai

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