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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
compound eye pigment cell differentiation 
cyanophore differentiation +  
erythrophore differentiation +   
iridophore differentiation +  
leucophore differentiation +  
melanocyte differentiation +   
negative regulation of pigment cell differentiation +  
pigment cell development  
pigment granule maturation +   
positive regulation of pigment cell differentiation +   
regulation of pigment cell differentiation +   
xanthophore differentiation +  
The process in which a relatively unspecialized cell acquires the specialized features of a xanthophore cell. Xanthophores are pigment cells derived from the neural crest. They contain pteridine and/or carotenoid pigments in structures called pterinosomes or xanthosomes. This makes them yellow to orange in appearance.

Exact Synonyms: xanthophore cell differentiation
Definition Sources: GOC:jid, GOC:mh, PMID:11858836

paths to the root