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Ontology Browser

monoatomic cation efflux transmembrane transporter activity (GO:0046583)
Annotations: Rat: (2) Mouse: (2) Human: (2) Chinchilla: (2) Bonobo: (2) Dog: (2) Squirrel: (2) Pig: (2) Naked Mole-rat: (2) Green Monkey: (2)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
amino acid:monoatomic cation antiporter activity +   
ATPase-coupled monoatomic cation transmembrane transporter activity +   
borate efflux transmembrane transporter activity 
formate efflux transmembrane transporter activity 
L-amino acid efflux transmembrane transporter activity +  
metal ion transmembrane transporter activity +   
monoatomic cation channel activity +   
monoatomic cation efflux transmembrane transporter activity +   
Enables the transfer of a cation or cations from the inside of the cell to the outside of the cell across a membrane.
nitrate efflux transmembrane transporter activity 
nitrite efflux transmembrane transporter activity 
proton transmembrane transporter activity +   
silicon efflux transmembrane transporter activity 
solute:monoatomic cation symporter activity +   

Exact Synonyms: cation efflux permease activity
Broad Synonyms: cation efflux transmembrane transporter activity
Definition Sources: GOC:ai, GOC:mtg_transport, ISBN:0815340729

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