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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
achromobactin transport 
chrysobactin transport 
enterobactin transport  
heme transmembrane transport +   
iron import into the mitochondrion  
iron ion export across plasma membrane +   
iron ion import across cell outer membrane 
iron ion import across plasma membrane +   
iron-sulfur cluster transmembrane transport +   
negative regulation of iron ion transmembrane transport +   
positive regulation of iron ion transmembrane transport +   
regulation of iron ion transmembrane transport +   
siderophore transmembrane transport 
The directed movement of siderophores, low molecular weight Fe(III)-chelating substances, from one side of a membrane to the other, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore.

Exact Synonyms: siderophore membrane transport
Definition Sources: GOC:jl

paths to the root