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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
establishment of protein localization to membrane +   
guanylate kinase-associated protein clustering  
lipoprotein localization to membrane +   
maintenance of protein location in membrane +   
negative regulation of protein localization to membrane +   
positive regulation of protein localization to membrane +   
postsynaptic density protein 95 clustering +   
protein localization to basolateral plasma membrane +   
protein localization to ciliary membrane +   
protein localization to cleavage furrow +   
protein localization to Golgi membrane  
protein localization to membrane raft +   
protein localization to microvillus membrane 
protein localization to nuclear inner membrane  
protein localization to outer membrane 
protein localization to plasma membrane +   
protein localization to plasma membrane of cell tip 
protein localization to postsynaptic membrane +   
protein localization to presynaptic membrane 
protein localization to prospore membrane +  
protein localization to vacuolar membrane +   
receptor clustering +   
The receptor metabolic process that results in grouping of a set of receptors at a cellular location, often to amplify the sensitivity of a signaling response.
regulation of protein localization to membrane +   
t-SNARE clustering +   

Definition Sources: GOC:bf, GOC:jl, GOC:pr, PMID:19747931, PMID:21453460

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