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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
cellular process involved in reproduction in multicellular organism +   
dehiscence +  
egg deposition 
embryonic process involved in female pregnancy  
fetal process involved in parturition  
gamete generation +   
genital disc sexually dimorphic development 
insemination +   
mammalian oogenesis stage +   
maternal process involved in female pregnancy +   
maternal process involved in parturition +   
mucilage extrusion from seed coat 
ovulation +   
ovulation cycle +   
penetration of cumulus oophorus  
penetration of zona pellucida  
penile erection +   
The hardening, enlarging and rising of the penis which often occurs in the sexually aroused male and enables sexual intercourse. Achieved by increased inflow of blood into the vessels of erectile tissue, and decreased outflow.
plantlet formation on parent plant 
regulation of brood size  
reproductive behavior +   
seed dehydration 
seed dormancy process +  
seed maturation +  
seminal clot liquefaction  
sperm competition +   
sperm ejaculation  
sperm migration through the uterotubal junction 

Xrefs: Wikipedia:Erection#Penile_erection
Definition Sources: GOC:jl, Wikipedia:Penile_erection

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