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Ontology Browser

cell migration involved in metanephros development (GO:0035788)
Annotations: Rat: (5) Mouse: (5) Human: (5) Chinchilla: (5) Bonobo: (5) Dog: (5) Squirrel: (5) Pig: (5) Naked Mole-rat: (5) Green Monkey: (5)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
cell differentiation involved in metanephros development +   
cell migration involved in metanephros development +   
The orderly movement of a cell from one site to another that will contribute to the progression of the metanephric kidney over time, from its formation to the mature organ.
cell proliferation involved in metanephros development +   
cell-cell signaling involved in metanephros development 
epithelial cell migration involved in nephron tubule morphogenesis +  
mesenchymal cell apoptotic process involved in metanephros development +   
mesenchymal stem cell migration involved in uteric bud morphogenesis 
metanephric capsule development +   
metanephric collecting duct development +   
metanephric cortex development  
metanephric epithelium development +   
metanephric juxtaglomerular apparatus development +   
metanephric mesenchyme development +   
metanephric nephron development +   
metanephric pyramids development 
metanephric smooth muscle tissue development  
metanephros morphogenesis +   
negative regulation of metanephros development +   
pattern specification involved in metanephros development +   
positive regulation of metanephros development +   
regulation of metanephric glomerulus development +   
regulation of metanephros development +   

Exact Synonyms: cell migration involved in metanephric kidney development
Definition Sources: GOC:bf, GOC:mtg_kidney_jan10, GOC:yaf

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