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Ontology Browser

positive regulation of mast cell apoptotic process (GO:0033027)
Annotations: Rat: (1) Mouse: (1) Human: (1) Chinchilla: (1) Bonobo: (1) Dog: (1) Squirrel: (1) Pig: (1) Naked Mole-rat: (1) Green Monkey: (1)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
negative regulation of mast cell apoptotic process  
positive regulation of activated T cell autonomous cell death  
positive regulation of activation-induced cell death of T cells  
positive regulation of antigen processing and presentation +   
positive regulation of dendritic cell apoptotic process  
positive regulation of erythrocyte apoptotic process 
positive regulation of erythrocyte clearance 
positive regulation of hemocyte differentiation +  
positive regulation of hemocyte proliferation 
positive regulation of hemopoiesis +   
positive regulation of immune effector process +   
positive regulation of immune response +   
positive regulation of leukocyte activation +   
positive regulation of leukocyte migration +   
positive regulation of lymphocyte apoptotic process +   
positive regulation of macrophage apoptotic process  
positive regulation of mast cell apoptotic process  
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate, or extent of mast cell apoptotic process.
positive regulation of mature B cell apoptotic process 
positive regulation of neutrophil apoptotic process  
positive regulation of tolerance induction +   
regulation of mast cell apoptotic process +   

Exact Synonyms: up regulation of mast cell apoptosis ;   upregulation of mast cell apoptosis
Narrow Synonyms: activation of mast cell apoptosis ;   positive regulation of mast cell apoptosis ;   stimulation of mast cell apoptosis
Definition Sources: GOC:add, GOC:mtg_apoptosis

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