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Ontology Browser

positive regulation of heterochromatin formation (GO:0031453)
Annotations: Rat: (2) Mouse: (2) Human: (2) Chinchilla: (2) Bonobo: (2) Dog: (2) Squirrel: (2) Pig: (2) Naked Mole-rat: (2) Green Monkey: (2)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
constitutive heterochromatin formation +   
dosage compensation by inactivation of X chromosome +   
facultative heterochromatin formation +   
heterochromatin boundary formation  
negative regulation of heterochromatin formation +   
pericentric heterochromatin organization  
positive regulation of actin filament bundle assembly +   
positive regulation of ascospore-type prospore membrane formation 
positive regulation of cell junction assembly +   
positive regulation of cell septum assembly +  
positive regulation of dense core granule biogenesis  
positive regulation of exosomal secretion  
positive regulation of extracellular matrix assembly +   
positive regulation of heterochromatin formation +   
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of heterochromatin formation.
positive regulation of heterochromatin organization 
positive regulation of hyaluranon cable assembly  
positive regulation of inclusion body assembly +   
positive regulation of nucleosome disassembly 
positive regulation of organelle assembly +   
positive regulation of plant-type cell wall cellulose biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of plasma membrane bounded cell projection assembly +   
positive regulation of primary cell septum biogenesis 
positive regulation of protein-containing complex assembly +   
positive regulation of ribosome biogenesis  
positive regulation of secondary cell wall biogenesis 
positive regulation of synaptonemal complex assembly 
positive regulation of t-circle formation  
regulation of heterochromatin formation +   
regulation of pericentric heterochromatin formation +  
regulation of rDNA heterochromatin formation +   
regulation of regulatory ncRNA-mediated heterochromatin formation +  
regulation of silent mating-type cassette heterochromatin formation +  
regulation of siRNA-independent facultative heterochromatin formation 
regulatory ncRNA-mediated heterochromatin formation +   

Exact Synonyms: positive regulation of heterochromatin assembly ;   up regulation of heterochromatin formation ;   upregulation of heterochromatin formation
Narrow Synonyms: activation of heterochromatin formation ;   stimulation of heterochromatin formation
Definition Sources: GOC:mah

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