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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
cell-cell junction +     
adherens junction +   
apical ectoplasmic specialization  
apical junction complex +   
basal ectoplasmic specialization  
cell-cell contact zone +   
desmosome +   
A cell-cell junction in which: on the cytoplasmic surface of each interacting plasma membrane is a dense plaque composed of a mixture of intracellular anchor proteins; a bundle of keratin intermediate filaments is attached to the surface of each plaque; transmembrane adhesion proteins of the cadherin family bind to the plaques and interact through their extracellular domains to hold the adjacent membranes together by a Ca2+-dependent mechanism.
fascia adherens  
filtration diaphragm +   
gap junction +   
intercellular canaliculus  
paranodal junction  
plasmodesma +  
tight junction +   

Exact Synonyms: macula adherens ;   spot desmosome
Xrefs: Wikipedia:Desmosome
Definition Sources: GOC:mah, GOC:mtg_muscle, ISBN:0815332181

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